Ithaca: one of the most exciting and vital voices in the UK heavy scene.

Formed out of a mutual love of metallic hardcore but despairing at its lack of ambition, Ithaca existed to challenge everything you thought a band that makes heavy music should look and sound like.
A glitter-covered nailbomb, Ithaca seamlessly blended the brutality of Relapse Records metalcore with blackgaze, 90s industrial metal, 70s prog and even tinges of 80s power pop. Their influences stretch beyond the musical - The Language of Injury comes with a clear vision and aesthetic. Drawing from members’ different ancestral heritage, queer/non-conforming identities and iconic figures in avant-garde, new wave and post-punk culture.
Second album They Fear Us is the sound of a band healing from trauma - standing in their own, unapologetic voice. Furious and wildly inventive while also being more coherent and accessible, this album introduces Ithaca to a wider audience than they’ve ever had before.